iLs Programs
iLs is a multi-sensory program for improving brain function. It is an enjoyable activity or “exercise” that can be customized for all ages and skill levels.

What is iLs?
iLs programs strengthen existing pathways and create new neural connections in the brain. As these neurological connections grow stronger, language skills and emotional/psychological functions, such as self-confidence and regulation, also tend to improve.
The improvements in brain function are based on the premise that our higher brain functions – the “cortical functions” such as language, cognitive skills, socialization – rely and depend upon how well sensory input is received and processed as it enters the central nervous system and is relayed to the upper brain. iLs improves processing at both the sub-cortical and cortical levels.
For more information visit the iLs website

The importance of the vestibular system
iLs programs strengthen the vestibular system by combining movement, listening, and visual stimulation — all vital to children’s ability to learn, pay attention, process information, and coordinate movement.
The vestibule, located in the inner ear, has three main functions:
- Balance As the primary organ of equilibrium, it plays a major role in the subjective sensation of motion and spatial orientation
- Posture Vestibular input to areas of the nervous system elicit adjustments of muscle activity and body posture
- Eye Movement Vestibular input to the nervous system helps stabilize the eyes during head movements
As a result, iLs benefits a wide range of conditions:
- Learning difficulties such as reading, spelling, math, auditory processing and attention
- Sensory processing and integration
- Stress, sleep, emotional regulation and mood problems
- Those with autism and neuro-developmental difficulties